Portuguese leading consultancy company with a long track record in education and training projects. INOVA+ leads the project, coordinates the activities linked to “Keeping the adventure alive” and oversees the dissemination actions

Portuguese local authority very active in protecting and promoting local and national cultural heritage. Braga Municipality is responsible for enabling the community engagement

Portuguese social solidarity association that supports teachers at all levels of education. Casa do Professor is responsible for mobilising educators and developing the educational assets

Production studio with great portfolio of creative audio-visual content that provides emotional and engaging experiences. FilmesDaMente is responsible for capacity building actions and organising the international competition

European Centre for Studies and Initiatives based in Italy. With strong background in research linked to societal and cultural issues, CESIE is responsible for coordinating the activities linked to “Mapping the citizen-cultural heritage expedition”

Italian local authority very active in protecting and promoting local and national cultural heritage. Palermo Municipality is responsible for enabling the community engagement

Italian professional school deeply linked with the industrial sector and very multicultural and diversity-friendly. ISS Alessandro Volta is responsible for empowering their staff and students to be citizen-cultural ambassadors

Spanish Higher Education Institution that promotes research and teaching excellence, including in the Cultural Heritage field. Murcia University is responsible for coordinating the activities linked to “Setting off the (re)discovery journey”

Spanish local authority very active in protecting and promoting local and national cultural heritage. Ceutí Municipality is responsible for enabling the community engagement

Spanish high school with professional cycles of Middle and Higher Education, located in a rural area. IES Felipe de Borbon is responsible for empowering their staff and students to be citizen-cultural ambassadors

Young Polish company, high quality provider of innovation services and support to international projects. INnCREASE is responsible for leading the quality control and evaluation activities

The school group from Braga has as mission finding better answers to the needs of educational communities, in a logic of decentralization and sustained and balanced economic, social and cultural development.